With the world getting more and more competitive and with the spirit of being a go-getter getting hyped, it seems money, status, job profile, etc. are the only things that determine a good career. However, because of this herd mentality, most people end up getting into jobs which they struggle through, only to realize that they got lost somewhere in the rat race and never did what they really wanted to do.
It is precisely for this reason that self-assessment is extremely important for an individual. It is not necessary that this understanding of oneself should come in the beginning of the career itself. It is okay even if a person switches jobs, works on some apparently not-so-attractive projects and does some mediocre work for making money for some time. But as long as one is gradually able to figure out one’s weaknesses and strengths and is able to direct oneself towards what is more aligned to one’s personality, one is on the right path.
Early Realization: It is true that you can’t excel in a job that you don’t like. However, at times it happens that people give their best at every stage of life, they end up in good jobs making money, but somewhere in their middle age, they realize that what they have been doing is not to their liking and they feel empty inside. This is why it is important for everyone, to analyse themselves, evaluate what they are doing right and what are the aspects about their work that they would like to change.
Prioritise: It is also important to prioritise. If music is your passion and there’s no money in music, then there’s no point making a career out of it if money is what you value. And it’s not wrong to value money! The idea is that you will end up hating the job that doesn’t fetch you money, if money is your priority. Hence, at times we really need to use our discretion to strike a balance between our passion and our source of income.
Passionate about your work: Most youngsters also feel dejected today because there is a myth that one has to be passionate about something or the other. If one person in the group plays guitar, another collects stamps, yet another paints, then it kind of becomes uncool for the rest not to have such a hobby or passion. The truth is that some of us are perfectly average and that is our strength. Not all of us have to be exceptional guitar players or painters. Someone working in a bank can be as happy as someone composing music, if he is happy with the effort and the consequent result.
Enough of going around trying to discover ourselves! This realization about ourselves dawns upon us when we are working consistently, making mistakes, learning from them, quitting a few jobs, taking responsibility and above all giving ourselves the liberty to determine our own career path.
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